
Showing posts from January, 2021

Cartography: Location of the University of West Florida

Displayed is a png format of the location of the University of West Florida. This map represents cartographic principles of symbolizing the cities near the campus in Escambia County. The two major interstates are depicted in red and major rivers near the campus in blue. The University is located in the southeastern region of Escambia County, Florida. The county itself is located in the most northwestern region of the state of Florida. The data was provided by the FGDL, FDOT, FDEP, and other census organizations. 

Arc GIS Pro Introduction: A Map of the World's Cities

  This is a JPEG Format of a map displaying the world's countries and cities across the world. This is an introductory map to explore the different tools of Arc GIS Pro and how to export a map containing vector data of city locations. The cities are symbolized with black dots across the world.