Multiple Buffer Ring Analysis: Protecting Eagles in West Florida

The map above displays the importance of using a tool such as multiple ring buffers to calculate multiple sets of distances around a point, polygon, or line. In this case, we were trying to identify the protected zones near a Eagle Nest Site east of the University of West Florida. By geo-referencing imagery, added geolocated buildings and roads, we were able to determine the location of the campus. We then added our geolocated nest site for the eagles and went to work. 

We established tat the two protective buffer zones should be 330 FT and 660 FT around the eagles next site. This would protect the wildlife nesting grounds for the eagles and prevent any construction for new development from happening within these buffer ranges. The MRB process is very straightforward, you input your point layer, set your unit of measurement, and identify the multiple distances you want buffered around your point. We then built the essential map elements, therefore identifying that the eagles nest is extremely far from campus (approximately 0.5 miles away) and well within its protective zones. Policy makes going forward can reference the zone as the campus grows and develops, with new buildings being added to the campus. 


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