Projections: Square Mileage of Florida Counties


Projections Map

This map layout is a perfect example as to why understanding projections in GIS and coordinate systems is extremely important. Depending on the coordinate system your map is defined at, and the projection used for your data, it can determine major differences in mensuration. This map shows an example of calculating square miles per county with different projections for the state of Florida. The table displayed shows varying square mileage per county depending on the projection the data is in. Data can also look rotated or shifted as it is drawn if the data has a source spatial reference of a certain projection, and the map is not displaying that projection. It is a good idea to have your data mapped to the same projection that your map is referencing. This will also allow you to share the map as a web map to your Arc GIS Online account. The 4 selected counties are depicted in color, and the three projections used are displayed in the 3 different views above. 


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