Erdas Imagine & Land Cover Classification

 Remote sensing with Erdas Imagine

Today's exercise involved me using Erdas Imagine for the first time, which was pretty cool! 

Erdas Imagine is a remote sensing software program similar to a lot of other imagery analysis software programs, such as remote view and QGIS. Today, we were able to view different types of satellite imagery from LANDSAT of multispectral imagery and different resolutions. We also were able to change the colors of the different bands of our image to identify features better such as vegetation and water in our land cover. 

We start with a near infrared color scheme, making the vegetation look red in color for the forests and tree areas. 

In the image, below, we changed our colored bands to the RGB or red, green, blue color scheme to have a more natural look in which helps us identify the different land features. I then added a new field for area, and calculated the area for each type of land classification in hectares. This allows use to then export our raster into Arc GIS Pro, to then create our map and change the colors on the symbology based on a unique value classification method. 


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