
Showing posts from January, 2022

Elevation Mapping in 3D

Today we are talking about 3D mapping! In GIS, we can use Digital Elevation Models (DEM's) to map terrains across the world in 3D. These DEM's are elevation raster's that contain the elevation data for terrain mapping in order to display mountains, cliffs, ridges, flat land, and even bodies of water.  Contours are how we label these changes in elevation on a map using lines and labels. Below is an example of a terrain located on a map. The colored symbology displays the areas of elevation, depicting high elevation as red and white, and low elevation as blue to green. The contour labels are the text labels located on the lines of elevation in 100 Meter intervals.  I chose the contour placement for my labels using a white halo around the text. I also used the checkbox for placing the labels in ladders as centered straight alignment on my map. This allows the labels to run along with the contour lines as they are drawn. I used the page label alignment as well for the contour p